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8 Ways to Have Fabulous Hair Without Washing it All the Time


Washing hair all the time is not a solution. Excessive washing of hair can cause serious issues in your hair. Be it a dry scalp or dull, lifeless hair – all of this together contribute to bad hair. So, in order to take care of all this concern, we at IMBB would like to present you with some of the fab hair care tips. The tips listed down below will help you to maintain your hair length without washing them too often.

So, grab a cup of coffee and have a look at the tips given below.

1. Oil Your Hair Before Every Wash:

This is a golden rule for your hair. You must oil your hair before every wash. This will keep your hair moisturised and when you wash it, there will be no lack of moisture or dull lifeless hair.

2. Use Serums on your Hair:

This is a must try hair hack. Serums must be used post shampoo on your hair. These serums lock the moisture and keep your hair looking all healthy and shiny.

3. Use Leave-in Conditioners:

This is perfect for people who don’t have time to use conditioners on regular basis. This does not need to be rinsed and thus, you can leave this on your hair and leave for the day.

4. Don’t Leave your Hair Open:

You must not leave your hair open quite often. Open hair makes your hair more messy, dry, dirty and all the bad things. Our atmosphere is filled with pollution and dirt these days and then all of this have an impact on your hair. So, the best way is to tie your hair for some time or leave it as a bun.

5. Avoid Hot Showers:

Hot water is the enemy to your hair. So, at any cost, you must avoid hot showers. This will affect your hair and make them super dry and then you will witness hair fall like anything.

6. Shampoo your Scalp, Not Hair Ends:

You must remember that you should oil your scalp and hair ends, but shampoo should be applied more on the scalp only. It is because your scalp gets messy and dirty. And, if you don’t wash your scalp regularly then, there can be serious dandruff issues too.

7. Invest in a Good Dry Shampoo:

This is a fab way in avoiding to wash your hair regularly. Dry Shampoo helps your hair in a number of ways. They can remove the moisture and stickiness from your hair and give you a fresher looking hair.

8. Towel Dry your Hair Gently:

Your hair must be towel dried gently. If you end up rubbing your hair too much with a towel then, it will cause serious hair fall issues. But, it will also make your hair dry. Plus, the friction of the towel can also cause split ends.

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