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Question: How often should I be washing my hair with a clarifying shampoo?
Answer: Think of clarifying shampoos as shampoos on steroids—they cut through product buildup and oils to leave your hair squeaky clean, but they can also strip strands. "You shouldn't use one more than once a month," says L'Oréal Paris celebrity hairstylist Mara Roszak, who recommends not washing your hair more than every other day the rest of the time "unless you're a wash-and-go type who isn't using heat." Clarifying shampoo, she says, is "great for when you have thick, greasy hair at the back of your crown that you can't break through," but you don't need it to get out normal amounts of dry styling products—your regular shampoo can handle that. "New York City water is fine for the most part, but L.A. has really harsh water that can make your hair go dull, especially if you're blonde. I'll use a clarifying shampoo once a month just to get all the gunk out, but then you need to use a mask after." Speaking of masks, says Roszak, you might as well use one every time you condition: You'll make it longer between trims; just concentrate it on the mid-length to the ends and avoid the roots.

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