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Is 2023 The Worst Year In Photography Since 2008?

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Why 2023 was the worst year in photography since the economic crisis of 2008? We've seen this in several places now and sadly looking at the stats we can see that since the big recession of our lifetime this is the worst photography year where the income has been considerably lower. Moreover, the number of people leaving the industry is huge and day by day the rates are dropping. Every shoot professional photographers are doing is on a tight budget. Issues are getting bigger and bigger, shoots are getting pulled, clients have started ghosting the photographers. At first they'll be talking about a shoot and then they'll just ignore the calls, they won't respond. That never used to happen before, these are all new things and this is going on right now. Everyone who has had a relatively good year just turned out to be lucky but that's not representative of the whole industry. So save your money, be wise and reasonable, do not buy new photography kit, do not buy new things do not go and buy a car, save your money and finances, times are tough. We are not yet seeing the full picture, things are going to go worse, it always does. Keep your money for your rainy days which are just around the corner. Remember you've not got work because you're not good enough, just the year 2023 was very bad, everybody is out there on the market, there are fewer and fewer jobs. Generally, what happens if one photographer is busy- they get more and more work, it's kind of like well they're the busy person, we'll work with them, they must be good. 

You need to diversify, you've got to diversify, you cannot just simplysit there and succees, the industry is bad and you'll be swept away. You need to sell any gear you're not using, get rid of it if it's not making you money, sell it, don't buy anything new. Any money you spend should only be on advertising and then maybe education if you need it. Do not fret too much, it is normal in times like this to go six months without a job. It seems really bad but when you get paid the rate commercial photographers get paid, it's not the end of the world. Hold your nerve, keep creating personal work constantly, put it out there and times will change. Things will get better the day rates will go up, the number of shoots will go up.

Professional photographers are charging the same day rates right now that were there five years ago. That's depressing, photographers should be charging more because the cost of living has gone so much up but their professional value has gone down because people just don't have the money. The brands are on a tight budjet as well, soneed to ride out the storm. My advice is save your money, reduce your overheads, reduce your life costs as well, like go and live somewhere cheaper whatever you can do to reduce your expenses till your life gets better. Whatever you do, do not bury your head in the sand. If you're worried about money, check your bank balance every day, it helps you make better choices if you're really in a tough spot. Remember that it's easier to save a dollar than to make a dollar. If you are struggling financially, you're not alone in it- the whole industry is having an absolute meltdown but these things don't last forever! 

eni belle

Author & Editor

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