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5 Easy Ways To Make Money That Are A Bad Idea

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 Perhaps you are looking for ways to make money during the current economic uncertainty? Or maybe you want to discover an easy method to earn extra money online? Regardless of your skills and their level, the Internet always offers solutions to the problem. The Online Gurus are saying that now is the perfect time to make money online and it all depends on your willingness to work. But is it really so? Can you become rich overnight just by following the advice of financial bloggers and youtubers? Here is some bad advice circulating the internet NOT TO FOLLOW:

Online casino game

If you are good at online gambling, playing at an online casino can definitely bring you huge income. Naturally, you need to be well prepared and know what you are doing.


Big wins are often followed by even bigger losses. Since gambling carries risks, you can research everything related to online casinos on various online gambling websites. This way, you will have an advantage when making your first deposit. But this way the only one getting richer is the casino owner, and the richer they are getting, the poorer you are becoming.

Online photography

Compared to online gambling, photography is certainly not as risky. Naturally, the funds will not be much in the beginning either. However, it won't cost you anything to try and sell some photos you've taken. The internet is teeming with stock photography sites covering just about any topic you can think of. The method works by uploading photos, with which you give permission for use by magazines, designers or other organizations or websites.


The price per stock photo is literally pennies and you need a catalogue or diversified portfolio of around 200 000 images to manage to make a minimum wage. Take in mind, you need to be famous and popular in the platforms already as currently they are offering no traffic to your uploads due to extreme and severe competition.

Create How To Videos

In recent years, video sharing platforms like YouTube have grown tremendously. In their quest to monetize every view, content creators have started making How To videos. This ingenious idea will not only help your subscribers, but also yourself. If you think you're good at giving instructions, you can check out a topic of your choice by typing "How To (topic)". Usually, the YouTube search engine pulls up the most popular suggestions related to the searched keyword phrase. Sticking to the same keywords in your title, description and tags will guarantee you views and revenue.


Youtube massively shadowbans new creators, they get copyright strikes very easily as there is already enormous amount of data uploaded to the platform and the chance to get excerpts of another creator's video is great. Youtube recently had the invalid traffic bug and this also led to many creators lose their ad revenue. The bug was later fixed, but remember this is youtube's platform, not yours and you can get kicked out any time. So why waste time and energy in something that can be easily deleted and taken away from you?


Maybe you're not into gambling and you don't want to become an internet star. In that case, you can make good money from copywriting as well. Copywriting is about creating content that is tailored for mass use. Often times, copywriters are responsible for the fresh marketing messages and advertisements you see everywhere. If you think you have the gift of speech, to practice this profession you will only need a laptop and a good internet connection. You can do everything else from anywhere in the world.


With the emergence of AI, this service will soon be redundant and obsolete. People massively use CHATGPt and other AI service generators to write blogpost and articles. I don't do it because I don't believe in promoting AI and its agenda for mankind.


Dropshipping has become a popular way to make money online without having to invest in inventory or manage ships. To start dropshipping, you first need to choose a niche or product category to sell. This can be anything from clothing to electronics as long as there is a demand for the product. Once you've chosen your niche, you can find a supplier or wholesaler that will handle inventory and shipping for you. You will then need to create a website or online store to offer and sell the products using a platform such as Shopify or WooCommerce.


The Margins Are dreadful, the waiting time for the shipment of the product is too long, it might reach up to 35 days sometimes, no one will wait for so long to get his overpriced product. The expenses for ads are currently too high and if you are ready to spend huge money advertising, isn't it better to create a personal brand, your own company and label? If you don't want to spend money on ads, the only way to make your product popular is to have a big social following. And again, if you have an audience already, why not create your own products and company instead of promoting cheap low quality products from China?

eni belle

Author & Editor

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