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Chinese New Year 2024 Decoration

chinese new year chinese new year 2024 news


There is nothing quiet or suppressed about Chinese New Year celebrations. And this vibrancy should be reflected in the New Year décor.

Whether you are throwing a party or not, the occasion calls for decking up your surroundings, especially because Chinese New Year is also their Spring Festival.

So decorating should start with the very basic – a thorough Spring Cleaning. But remember it should be done till the New Year commences to ward away all that is negative. But as New Year takes over, no more sweeping since the Chinese believe that it can throw away the good luck too!

Now that your home is clean, give it a fresh coat of red paint. Red according to Chinese traditions brings luck. Spruce up your soft furnishing with gold since gold symbolizes prosperity. Smart black trimmings here and there would add contrast and the Asian theme feel. A word of caution – stay away from white – white is believed to bring misfortune!

Finally it’s the time for accessories. Traditional lanterns and cut-outs are must. 2024 is the year of wood dragon, it should dominate the décor. Rubber dragon and toy horse are easily available, they can adorn a coffee table or coyly wrapped around a lantern. Apart from the animal of the year, Lion and Dragon are generally held in high esteem and may be incorporated in forms of paintings, images or cut-outs in the props.

So your stage is set to welcome the Chinese New Year with grandeur.

eni belle

Author & Editor

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