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I was really impressed by a spiritual lecture that I  have attended recently. It was called “Past lives and reincarnation – death is not the end” by Gahl Sasson, the renowned Kabbalist and astrologer with Bulgarian roots. Most of the mystical traditions worldwide include the idea that death is not the end but only a transition from one life to another. How different cultures view death? What happens to the soul after it leaves the body? Here are some of my observations on Sasson’s ideas about “The Tree of Life”, or how to fulfill you dreams through the power of Kabbalah.

Gal Sasson was born in Israel on April 15, 1968, and currently lives in Los Angeles. He is the author of the books “A Wish Can Change Your Life”, “Cosmic Navigator” and “The Twelve Kingdoms of Light”. 

His father was a Bulgarian Jew who with his family left Bulgaria after the Second World War. 

Besides being a talented author (his book is blessed personally by the Dalai Lama) and famous astrologer (№1 in Los Angeles), he is also a musician, composer of religious music and is among the few who mastered the unique overtone singing practiced mainly in Tibet. He plays in a rock band and is an enthusiastic surfer. He received his knowledge of astrology and Kabbalahin Mexico, taught at the University of Judaism in Beverly Hills, he was a lecturer at the Centre “Chopra” in California and lectures worldwide. 

Gal Sasson helps people define their questions rather than give them the answers. He calls himself “the cycles analyst” – he uses cycles to understand the way the universe and life work. In his native language the word “gal” means “wave”  and for him everything in the cosmos is a form of vibration. When he presents his lectures, Gal uses astrology (the cycles of the planets), Kabbalah (the cycles of the spheres of the Tree of Life), mythology (the cycles of legends) and symbolism to express his beliefs. He is a licensed astrologer, a professional musician and writer. He teaches astrology, Kabbalah and mythology and conducts individual consultations. 

Kabbalah comes into his life completely unintentionally and unexpectedly. He went surfing in Mexico, Guadalajara and began attending, along with a group of musicians a course in Kabbalah and astrology. And he stayed there for two years. Later he discovered that the most important book of Kabbalah, “Zohar” was written also in Guadalajara – Spain. He took this as a sign that his soul felt some connection between Guadalajara – Mexico and Spain – and the “Zohar.” And that’s a remarkable display of synchronicity in his life. 

The most impressive aspect of Sasson’s seminars emphasizes on the practice of learning: we should accept spirituality in the service of everyday life, and use the power of belief, to serve the wishes and needs of each person. 

Gal Sasson directs his disciples to transformation by awakening their interest and understanding of mythology, showing how all the archetypal images of different cultures, religions and myths have a role and importance in everyday reality. According to his own words, “Kabbalah is a mystical, universal interpretation of the meaning and mechanisms of life, preserved for thousands of years, mainly through the teachings of Judaistic researchers and scientists. This ancient Theory teaches that God uses the Tree of eternal life as a matrix for the construction of the universe. It’s a very subtle symbolism that helps us understand life and participate in the ongoing process of co-creation. According to Kabbalah, God has not finished creating the universe, he continues to create the universe.

When asked what distinguished his training from any other course in Kabbalah, Gal replied, “I call it the Universal Kabbalah … It is applicable to Christians, Muslims, Jews, pagans. Basically, all is one. All can be linked, as far as all is rushing towards the Divine Universal Light. This is a more comprehensive approach of existence. 

What is the Tree of Life? 

The Tree of Life is the oldest and most important symbol of Kabbalah. It acts as a spiritual reference containing within itself the entire cosmos in the form of a diagram. Painted, interpreted and used by the mystics for centuries, this living pattern of energies in the universe consists of ten spheres and twenty-two relationships (links) between them corresponding to the twenty-two letters and marking them with the sound of the alphabet in Hebrew. The ten areas correspond to the ten separate archetypal forces: Will, Wisdom, Understanding, Compassion, Love, Marriage, Sexuality / Death and Practicality. Twenty-two links between the worlds express interactions between archetypes. For example, the field of Sympathy (called Charity or Mercy in The Tree of Life) is located opposite the Severity (called Justice). What is connecting them is sustainability, which means that the Kabbalah ability to achieve harmony between compassion and rigor leads to strong resistance. 

Presented in the form of a Tree of Life the ten spheres symbolize the attributes of God that are consistent with and qualities of human beings. Kabbalah teaches that same spiritual forms used by God to create the universe, can be applied by people for the implementation of each project of theirs, or any work of art, success in business, relationships and any other aspect of life. Thus, a person is actively involved in the creation and sets new touches in the divine image in the world. 

“And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; THE TREE OF LIFE also in the midst of the garden…”(Gen 2:8-9 KJV)

The Tree of Life can be used for meditation, reflection and predictions, as well as for organizing, integrating and understanding all the events, circumstances and vicissitudes in life. And just like the trees absorb light, water and nutrients from the soil and turn them into the most needed oxygen, the Tree of Life teaches men to receive, in order to give to others. 

The Book of Gal Sasson and Steve Weinstein called

“A Wish Can Change Your Life” reveals the mysteries and mythology mechanisms associated with the Kabbalah Tree of Life. It also offers a practical program for personal transformation, enrichment of spirituality and fulfillment of desires.

eni belle

Author & Editor

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