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The Whirling Dervishes And The Wisdom Of Sufism

aura body and mind news

"No one has ever denied me, but myself. Nobody has ever loved me except myself. Nobody has ever seen me, but myself."
verses by Rumi

Through your Love you get an idea of ​​God. Looking for a reason to love someone  is a drawback.Who wants to see to the creation of the universe, who wants to understand the meaning of life, to acquire knowledge, wisdom, strength, health, immortality, he must place love as the foundation of his life. Love is the apotheosis of everything in the world.

Love ignites a sacred fire. Everything good in man awakens from Love.

The Dance of the People of God 

The dance of the people of God is subtle and light. They walk like a leaf on water. On the inside, they are like a mountain, they are weighty like a hundred thousand mountains, but on the outside they are as light as straw. 

If parts are always changing, the whole remains the same. A dead good man is replaced by a good man, a dead bad man is replaced by a bad man. While the whole remains the same, every day is different. 

If because of your love flowers grow, then your love is Love.

When you love someone, he  becomes a transmitter of power from Nature to you.

He receives divine powers. Love opens the door  to Wisdom and Truth.

Love removes all the obstacles and hardships. The moment of resurrection  is the moment when you become aware of love.

                                                              Let love be with you

I decided  to dedicate my 1st post to the dervishes & the mystics of the East  because they have a great impact on my philosophy about life. Each year in the city of Konya, Turkey on December 17 the dervishes, th
e followers of Mevlana worldwide, gather to celebrate the death of their Master - the Persian poet Rumi who left hundreds of beautiful poems. His work combines the mysticism of Islam & his desire to" celebrate" death because it is the marriage of  man with Eternity.
According to an ancient tale, told by the dervishes in the East, the Lord got tired of trying to please people but get no gratitude. He decided to hide. But where? If He Sank in the ground  people were stubborn and would find him. To hide in the deep ocean... - people were creative and would find a way to reach him. Almighty God finally decided what to do-He would hide in the soul of all men, where no one ever looked. This legend today suggests that the soul is what is most important, not the material.

This parable is perhaps the most accurate explanation of any human search. We go to the end of the world, we meet with thousands of people until we learn that what we seek is within us. Our soul is the "treasure" of our essence.

The dervishes believe in the immortality of the soul, so they connect spiritual practices from India to America. Fortunately or not, the general public associates the dervishes with the external manifestation of their faith - a dance called "Shema." In it the worshiper revolves around his axis while in a trance and connects with God. Commentators explain that the body of the dervish connects the energies of heaven and earth, but I have concluded that "Shema" is "meditation" and the goal is a personal communication with God. This Dance was never intended for the audience.
Today humans have forgotten their spiritual dimensions. ThDervish is a man who knows his physical and spiritual structure. Those who do not know the content, define them as men who have abandoned the earthly life thus living in the afterlife. But it is not so! ThDervishes are guided by the maxim of the Prophet Muhammad that The best ones among people are those who are in the service of humanity. 
They try to educate people to know themselves and to know their personality, to know their creator - God. The Ceremony "Shema" which they perform, is a kind of a folk-cultural performance. Every movement and bow mean something or as thdervishes call it, "this is our way to serve the Almighty." 
So each letter of the word "dervish" has its importance. The letter "e" for example, means withdrawal from earthly life, ignoring materialism and selfishness. "This, of course, does not mean not to work and earn, or what you earn to donate for the benefit of society," says the dervish. 
Thdervishes in the past were trained in the so-called "Dergyah." thenrolling of students following the desire to learn something new. ThDergyah then functioned as a kind of Academy of Arts. Somlearn "Shema", others - to play musical instruments, and others - to paint. The most beautiful manifestation of the Almighty in Fine Arts. Among other things, thstudents of the Dergyah" also received a solid religious education. Today "Dergyah" has become a non-profit organization, transmitting the traditions of those who want to listen to them.

ThDance of the spiritual growth

The first thing they teach the students, this is the "Shema "- our way of reference to the Almighty. Each dervish during his rotation says: "Allah, Allah," and does not think about anything elsother than the Almighty and mentions his name. 
It takes an endless love for the Creator to practice the" Shema" prayer. Everyone has to find out why he has come to this world. These are the torments of many individuals of mankind. Humanity must be saved through the knowledge that the mind has its limits. Assuming that the smartest person was Einstein, he himself believed that beyond the human mind there is another energy. The boundaries of the limited human mind, may only be crossed with love.

ThUnion with God

ThCeremony "Shema" helps a person recognize and his own spiritual nature. This is an act of exaltation of the human spirit. The aim is to reach the union with God (Fenafillah). I personally experienced this situation several times in my life. Of course, in today's dervishes this always occurs. You see the infinity inherent in the Supreme, or die before you die. This is the methodology of spiritual growth. 
"Shema" consists of four parts - "Allah", "together with Allah", "in Allah" and "threturn from God to mankind." The rotation of the dervishes or the spin symbolizes the universe and everything in it. ThKiss of the sheik at the beginning means respect for all thliving and the dead. The handshake demonstrates the feelings both of respect and equality. All this makes the dervish discern the unity with the Almighty and thank Him. In other words they feel and do everything in the light of love and melt into the divine love. The white robes in which they are dressed are their shrouds, thblack cape - thphysical nature and their hats, called "Sikka" symbolize their burial coffins. The musical accompaniment led by spellbinding sound of Ney (Eastern instrument similar to a flute) concentrate thdervishes in their path to God and vice versa. 
"We are here to unite, not to divide," says Rumi, "it is our mission - to break the vessels of selfishness and prejudice so that we unite to the water,"said the teacher of the dervishes. According to him, we are all created to live together in peace. If God wanted us all to be the same race, he would have done that, but because he did not, we are doomed to a productive coexistence. 

The leader of the dervishes, Rumi was born at the beginning of the XIII century in ancient Persia (modern Afghanistan ). Mohammed Dzhelaledin was later called Mevlana, ie Mr., a teacher, and Rumi - the name of the area in which he lived and taught. He became famous not so much for his interpretations of religious texts as for his magical poetry. He lived and died in Konya, Turkey today. Rumi had a chance to meet the wandering dervish Shams, who changed his world view. 
After this meeting, God no longer resides merely in the sky but in the home for the soul. Man looks at the world around us and what happens to him is absolutely a reflection of himself. If you want to experience the magic revealed, visit Konya between 7 and 17 December, when pilgrims from around the world flock there to celebrate the death of the teacher - Rumi. No, not mistaken! They really  celebrate his death because he had asked them to as saying at the hour of his death not to grieve for him but to celebrate his wedding with eternity.

eni belle

Author & Editor

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