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Genetic codes may not be found only in our DNA

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The Greatest surprise of the century might prove a hypothesis, according to which our genetic codes are not found only in the DNA molecule.

At present, however, this is still not confirmed by conventional science but yet these claims cause  a lot of controversy in the scientific circles.

The DNA molecule absorbs light photons and store them in the form of a spiral.

It is said that back in 1984 Peter Garjajev amazed his colleagues by placing a sample of DNA in a tiny quartz container, which was then irradiated with a soft laser. The results were more than surprising, since it was clear that the DNA molecule absorbs light photons and store them in the form of a spiral. The Molecule itself creates a particular vortex that draws light towards it and up to date this has been an unknown scientific process.

Structured DNA molecules

In the next stage of the experiment, the researchers studied the behavior of the DNA molecule placed into a quartz container. The result was that the light still continued to be spirally rotated, though the molecule was no longer present there on a physical level. The only possible explanation for the observed phenomenon is that there is a special energy field , which is something like a twin energy of the molecule, continuing to store the captured light.

In the human body there are trillions of specialized and highly structured DNA molecules. The theory of Peter Garjajev suggests that there exists a powerful twin energy body of the material body. This statement in turn overlaps with the famous theory and observations of Alexander Gurvich, Barry Becker and some other scientists, according to which there is a data field of energy that dictates the cells what to do regarding the information stored in that field. It turns out that the most important work of the DNA molecule is to keep the light in the physical body and also in its energetic counterpart. 

DNA molecules

When the experimenters filled the phantom with liquid nitrogen that has a sudden strong cooling effect, the spiral light disappeared, but returned again after 5-8 minutes. The ambient light again organized a unique spiral pattern of DNA that remains visible for 30 days. This information has been available for 25 years now, but almost no one have heard about it, and the experiments were repeated many times, including in the United States. 

The biochemist Glen Rein, a graduate of the University of London, studied how our DNA responds to the impact of consciousness. As a quantum biology research lab and research scientist, he suggested that externally applied the quantum fields produce biological effects at the cellular level. The bio energy field is composed of embedded layers of electromagnetic and quantum fields. So the healing process is defined as the expansion of a fundamental higher dimensional energy source as it informs the denser layers around it, eventually reaching and healing the physical body. He tried to know the cell in detail before its division or after it is was damaged, ie, dead. Then the DNA helix got disconnected. The DNA helix began to connect when the cell started working on repairing or healing itself. The scale of the connection or disconnection can be measured by how well it absorbs light having a wavelength of 260 nano meters. 

In their experiments, the scientists took the living DNA from the human placenta, put it in the water and the mixture was kept in a beaker. Then different people tried to connect or disconnect the living DNA with the power of their thoughts. Control samples, to which no one tried to do anything showed a change of only 1.1%, and those treated with the power of the human thought changed with 10%. This meant that our thoughts were capable of reinforcing the processes in the human DNA several times.

Structured DNA

Also, people with the most harmonious waves of radiation had the strongest ability to alter the DNA structure, and a few overly excited individuals (with a very inharmonious pattern of brain waves) produced an abnormal shift in ultraviolet light that was absorbed by the DNA. Changes occurred at a wavelength of 310 nm (close to the value of Popp - 380 nm), the wavelength that can cause cancer. Angry men also forced the DNA engage stronger in the connection. According to Rein a change in light with wavelength of 310 nm could only mean that "there is a change in the physical and chemical structure of one or more bases of the DNA molecule." 

In another case, when the DNA was placed in front of people with harmonious brainwave packages, but they did not try to change the DNA in a sample of that DNA no connections or disconnections were observed . All these occurred only when people wanted to change the DNA. This allows you to safely assume that such effects are consciously intended by people. Lew Childer could connect or disconnect the DNA in the laboratory, at a distance of 800 m from it. Valery Sadirin could combine DNA chains for 30 minutes in the laboratory of Rein in California while she was at her home in Moscow, thousands of miles away from the laboratory. Rein said that the key quality of our energy capable of creating harmony in our brain waves and affect our DNA is the radiation from the heart: "Although the techniques used by the different healers are different, they all require a focus on the heart."

Virtually we received microbiological evidence that our thoughts can actually create physical and chemical changes in the structure of our DNA molecules , to connect or disconnect them, as well as the connection between the angry thoughts and growth of cancerous tissues.

In addition, a recent study in the University of Chicago Biological Sciences shows that thousands of genes change by simply changing our social status. The researchers were able to identify 987 genes sensitive to our social status. Among them were those responsible for the stress associated with the working of the brain, as well as 112 genes involved in the immune system. Changes at the gene level were so obvious that after a detailed analysis of them all the scientists could even predict the social status of an individual by the analysis of his or her blood.

Ray of Light


1. Yes! There is Light inside the body! 

2. We as humans are really beings of light!

3. Photons (Light) control everything in the cell

The light is within - it is already there. Take your time to see it.

~ Swami Satchidananda

eni belle

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