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aura body and mind mind and soul news


“The rhythm of the body,

the melody of the mind,

and the harmony of the soul

create the symphony of life.”

~B.K.S. Iyengar

The idea of the chakras – the energy centers of man has come to us from the East, the mere translation of the word means ‘wheel’. The Chakras transform the energies of the universe and integrate them into our physical body. Of course they are not located in the dense physical body but one can feel their subtle energy because they still have their projections on the physical body. The most commonly used are the two of their projections on the front of the body and in the spine, where their location coincides with the specific nerve centers of the spinal cord.

Each chakra is associated with certain anatomical areas, near to which it is situated, so if we damage these organs, this reflects on the corresponding chakra. This is nothing more than a confirmation and evidence of the ability of men to make energy diagnosis and treatment.

It is believed that there are many energy centers in our body, but I will focus only on the seven major types of energy.

I’ll start by stating that in the traditional literature, each chakra is associated with a certain color. This is not right. Chakras ‘vibrate’ in waves similar to those of visible light, so we can work with them, our minds associate them with colors.

Energy diagnosis and treatment

The seven main chakras are:

The first chakra is Maladhara-its red color is associated with the adrenal glands and the body locomotion. Located at the base of the spine, her mantra is LAM.

The second chakra is Svadhishthana-its orange color is associated with the excretory and reproductive system. Located around two inches above the pubic bone, below the navel, her mantra is VAM.

The third chakra – Manipura has yellow color associated with the pancreas and the digestive system. Located in the solar plexus, her mantra is RAM.

The fourth chakra, Anahata has green color associated with the thymus and the cardiovascular system. Located in the middle of the sternum, her mantra is YAM.

The fifth chakra – Vishutha has brighter blue color associated with the thyroid and the respiratory system. Her mantra is HAM.

The sixth chakra Ajna has dark blue color associated with the central and peripheral nervous system, eyes and ears. Located in the middle of the forehead, just above the point where the eyebrows are, this is the famous ‘third eye’ mantra OM.

The seventh chakra – Sahasrara has violet color associated with the pituitary. This chakra has no physical projection on the body. It has a cone-shape and is located in the fontanel, her mantra is AUM.

Each of these chakras is responsible for receiving and broadcasting a certain type of energy, which affects not only our health, but reflects on our life. The actual impact is quite complicated and can not be described, but for people with psychic gifts it seems like an assembly of different colors. The reason for their appearance lies in the resonant interaction of the chakras with the outside world.

The bidirectional link between events stimulates our chakras. The disorders in their resonance signalize for energy problems. They reflect on both our health and on many aspects of life. You

must know that the disturbance in the functioning of a chakra very quickly affects the overall energy flow, and the other chakras as well. That also explains the problems that begin to overwhelm without other apparent and understandable reason.

The Seven Chakras

Let us now return to the chakras. Each is associated with a certain kind of energy that directly affects our lives.

Our first chakra is connected with earth energy that brings stability. Associated with finance, because the energy of money is earthly in nature. Often, people who have problems with money have incorrectly functioning first chakra. It is important to note that the anomaly in this chakra does not always mean problems with the muscular system or the bones (the occurrence of such problems is related to another aspect of the Earth’s energy-stability).

The second chakra is associated with the moon and the water element. It is relevant to our primary instincts, private and intimate life, and collective memory and procreation. Improper functioning leads to problems in your personal life, sexual dysfunction, difficulty maintaining a long-term relationship and also the inability to create one.

The third chakra is associated with the fire element and the energy balance as a whole. Improper functioning mainly affects the health and activity of a person. A similar problem makes him feel sick, lazy, or lacking vitality. Often such people have a weak will and character. This is the most vulnerable energy center, and must be protected because it is recovering very slowly. For example, diabetes is associated with problems in this chakra.

The Chakras and The Body

The fourth chakra is an intermediate (the first three are animalistic because they exist in animals too and they are related to our animal instincts. The following three chakras are spiritual and fundamental for our soul). This chakra is related to our romantic feelings. Problems with her ​​always reflect on our private life, most often resulting as numbness or extreme sensitivity and emotional instability. It is possible to show painful affection as well. This chakra is also relevant to our biological clock.

The fifth chakra is associated with our spiritual feelings: friendship, love for the country, or your closest ones. It is connected with the element ”air” and is related to responsiveness. Problems with it lead to communication problems (or the opposite anti-social behavior or on the contrary, painful need of being in touch with people or excessive loquacity). Associated with the truth and lies, and often it suffers when we have to utter lies. Highly developed in mediums because it corresponds to a connection with the higher spiritual beings and parallel worlds.

The Sixth Chakra is associated mainly with the mind, thought and memory. Therefore, the problem with it is mainly expressed in the wrong patterns of thought, and that the principle of ‘the energy following our thoughts’ determines our lives. Here are the problems with the central and peripheral nervous system. This is the chakra that is always very sensitive towards negative energy or influence (magic). Pessimists, and people with ‘rose-colored glasses’ have problems with that chakra. It is the most highly developed in people with paranormal abilities.

Our paranormal abilities

The seventh chakra is associated with the cosmic energy and its blockage may be caused by karmic problems. Blockages in her inflict major disruptions in health and life in general.

With a little more practice, anyone can learn to see the ‘color’ of his chakras. As we have already learned the seven main chakras are the seven colors of the rainbow. If the seven colors of all chakras merge together one should get a white color. White is the color of harmony and balance. If we receive another color, that indicates a problem in the chakras.

We are able to fix anomalies in the chakras in their initial stage. It is achieved through meditation on them. You should focus your thought on the respective chakra and visualize the color in a harmonious state, repeating her mantra. For the lovers of crystals I will say that they can place directly on the chakra a precious or a semi precious stone in the appropriate color.

There are specific techniques to clears blockages, harmonize balance and stabilize the chakras.

eni belle

Author & Editor

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