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Early becoming is a matter of a habit that unfortunately does not happen in a day. The truth is, I guess, you know, anyone can get up early. You sound the alarm, you go to bed, and you're just asleep and the machine makes an unpleasant sound. It rings, it harasses you, but it achieves nothing more than to make your morning only much more unpleasant. Does all this sound familiar?

No, don't you, you think it's weird? The truth is that for more than 5 years I wake up every morning at 7:15 / 7:30 without an alarm, no matter if it is a working day or a day off. My morning is cheerful, I do not get out of bed with difficulty and do not lie down: "only 5 more minutes."

Getting up early is a philosophy of life, and I can't tell you, "Take these steps and you'll be like me!" because it's a habit that has been built over years, but it can motivate you to look at getting up early as not the worst part of the day. And as you may have guessed, I'm not one of those people who believe in the division into a "lark, owl or pigeon" because I've gone through all three types.

Here are my 10 tips for a fresh and early morning:

1. Do not postpone the alarm - the rule for another 5 minutes. I am not going to make you feel more rested at all, but in fact it is achieving the opposite effect. However, do not expect that at once you will start getting up instead of 9 in 6 - use the method of gradually changing your time to get up, it is very important not to postpone the alarm for 1 hour. You can try to put the alarm on the other side of the room, so you will definitely have to get up from it.

2. Think about the morning even before you

go to bed - one of my most successful strategies is to "wind" myself how nice tomorrow will be, something like a mantra, "tomorrow I will do ... And I can't wait," it's basically like with young children who are excited to play on the playground and from 6 a.m. they jump impatiently.

3. Make breakfast special

- I have gone through different periods - from the one where I do not have breakfast to the one where breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I definitely like the second option more! From the evening I go to bed with the idea of what I will have for breakfast the next morning. Will I drink tea or coffee and so on.

4. Start today with something favorite

- my favorite things are perfectly intertwined in my morning routine. I love having breakfast, I love makeup, I don't waste precious time doing one and then the other. To a large extent, the two processes run in parallel, it makes me feel even better because I know I can do several things at the same time. From getting out of bed to getting out of the door takes exactly 1 hour, the most demotivating thing in the whole situation is that then I have 45 minutes. Until I get to where I'm going.

5. Create a morning routine that brings you pleasure

- the mornings are reserved for me, I wake up drinking water, I open the window, then the bathroom, then skin care routine, I make my tea or coffee, I start making breakfast, I play a video on you tube and I sit down to eat- then I'm ready to talk to people, to rumble isAn hour of public transport without impressing... In general, I have created the basis of a good day.

6. Take a refreshing shower

- I all who have come out of bed but have trouble waking up, try taking a shower in the morning, but not with boiling water, but with warm + one tempting shower

gel with citrus scent. My favorite is a Yves Rocher with grapefruit flavor.

7. Plan the outfit from the evening - this was my salvation during my high school years, I prepared my outfit the night before, so I did not waste time getting angry in the morning in front of the

wardrobe: "What to wear?", now I do it again, but I use only my imagination, I think: "What will I look like tomorrow?" + I add what makeup will go to my outfit (after all, this is my great passion)

8. Do not lie down

You won't feel better if you lie awake for 1 hour in bed, instead get up right now, get up and do your morning routine and start your day. In order not to go back to bed right away, start by fixing it.

9. Let the light into the room

- this is the most natural way to wake up by following the bio rhythm of the Earth. To do this, you have to rely on blinds that let in the light, so your body will know that it starts dawning outside and you will wake up with the sun.

10. Drink water - water has more effective invigorating qualities even than coffee, drink a glass of water and do a little yoga stretching poses, it's nothing complicated just stretch your arms up, as if someone is pulling you, then bend down and you will immediately feel fresher, just this body needs to move.

And the main reason I like to get up early is that life is short and I don't want to sleep through it!

If you also have tips on how to get up early easier, be sure to share them in the comments!

eni belle

Author & Editor

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