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curious news shoes in winter

Winter is a great test not only for our ability to walk on ice and find our car in the morning after it is buried under 30 cm. snow, but also to keep our shoes dry, strong and clean (so that we can enjoy them for years). The biggest enemy for them are the various chemicals, salt and sand used to process streets and sidewalks, so in order to keep the shoes healthy and with good appearance for a longer time, it is good to know how to properly clean them and prepare them in advance.

• Wet shoes are allowed to dry only at room temperature, do not dry them on a stove / radiator or with a hairdryer. Fill them with crushed newspapers and leave them for 24 hours.

• Once they are dry, you can smear the boots with paint if they are made of leather, or with a suitable preparat if they are made of suede. Finally, always use an impregnation spray. In my opinion, even it is mandatory in winter.

• You can remove traces of salt by rubbing the skin with an onion and clearing with a damp cloth.

• Wet or dirty suede shoes and boots can be cleaned by sprinkling them with talc, let them stay overnight and in the morning clean them with a brush preferably with medium hard hair.

• The lining of shoes is cleaned most easily with a piece of cloth dipped in alcohol for combustion.

• It is best to keep the shoes you do not wear tucked filled with crushed newspapers, so they do not get dirty further and do not take up unnecessary space in your hall, retain their shape and are always at hand ready when you need them.

Anti-slip tips:

• You need glue and sand- the principle of operation is simple, but very effective. Grease the sole of the shoes with glue and sprinkle sand, it will save you from slipping for up to 3 days, but this method also has quite a few drawbacks, such as the fact that walking on all normal surfaces is unpleasant and also very dirty.

• The second method is not as effective, but it is definitely cleaner, but as a time of action it is only a few hours. Rub the sole of the shoes with a piece of raw potato.

• The best method is to take your shoes to a shoemaker to put small spikes against skating. The negative side of this method is that it is not particularly practical when you have to walk on all other unicy surfaces.

In my opinion, the best thing you can do for your shoes in winter is to keep them dry, the easiest way to do this is to spray them with an impregnating spray, so you will not only keep the skin in excellent condition, but also your feet will remain dry. Also after wearing, shoes are easier to clean because dirt does not linger on them. The impregnating spray can be used on any leather surfaces, I use it even on my handbag to protect it from moisture. The spray won't save you if you're going through puddles, but it will definitely keep your feet dry. Also, if your shoes miss and your socks are always wet, then most likely some stitch is patched or stitched, in this case the spray will not help you and you should turn to a shoemaker.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to get winter rubber boots, I say winter boots, because it is important to have a lining otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect and die of cold. (Also, please do not give crazy money for rubber boots, I say this in connection with the fact that a little while ago I saw such discounts to 200 leva, which looked identical to those in the photo, which cost 20 leva.) I discovered the rubber boots last fall and completely shifted the skin through the wet days, I boldly jump into the puddles, and then clean them very easily and my feet are always dry.

It is important that winter shoes have half or one size Larger, not only to be able to wear them with thicker socks, but also because there must be air between the foot and the shoe to serve as an additional insulator. Tuck as a person gets cold easiest either from the legs or from the head, so I advise you to get extra woolen insoles and always wear a hat!

Be healthy, be careful with icy sidewalks and keep your shoes dry!

I hope you found it helpful!

eni belle

Author & Editor

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